Every homeowner is looking to protect their home investment and lower utility bills. Preparing your home for the winner is one of the best things you can do to accomplish that goal. 

You are a few simple tips to prepare your home for the winter:

  1. Tuneup your heating system. You can find a professional technician to inspect your furnace or heat pump and make sure the system is clean and in good repair. Most of these inspections also measure carbon monoxide leakage.
  2. Are your ceiling fans reversed? If you reverse your ceiling fans and run the fan blades in a clockwise direction after you turn on the heat.  The fan will produce an updraft and push down into the room heated air from the ceiling because hot air rises. Doing this will increase your energy savings.
  3. Are you noticing a lot of icicles on your home every winter? Meltwater can back up and flow into your house so you want to take steps to prevent this damage.
  4. Check out the roof! Look for damaged, loose, or missing shingles that could leak during winter storms or from melting snow.
  5. Doors and windows should be caulked around. Silicone caulk is the best for the exterior of your home. Add weatherstripping around doors and make sure you can’t see any daylight from inside your home.
  6. Turn off the exterior faucets. Water that is a drain and pipes can freeze and this freeze can cause pipes to burst when the ice expands. To disconnect all garden hoses and drain the water that remains in the faucets. Turn off the shut-off valve inside your home.

Taking the time to do these simple tips will help to protect your home investment and get you through the winter without any problems.

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